주일학교를 위한 모바일 앱 - 뉴젠

by 바인



It is a mobile app for church schools.It is a Sunday school management app that can be used together by ministers / teachers / parents.[main function]1. Student ManagementStudent registration, photo registrationStudent basic information inquirymake phone calls, send text messagesSemi-movement, department promotion function2. Attendance managementStudent attendance management, individual attendance inquiryAttendance statistics by class and departmentChurch school statistics by week and month3. Atrium managementStudent atrium input, sharing atrium contents with the person in chargeAtrium inquiry by student, class, department4. Talent ManagementTalent creation, correction and deletion functionTalent payment completed with one clickStudent talent status at a glance5. Member managementClergy, teacher, and parent approvalAbility to add, move, and delete departmentsPermission change function6. NoticeAbility to select all departments and individual departmentsTeachers/Teachers look up and input notices - real-time linkage7. Online WorshipAbility to select all departments and individual departmentsParents view posts - real-time linkageOnline worship attendance check, attendance list searchComment, photo upload function8. AnnouncementsAbility to select all departments and individual departmentsParents view posts - real-time linkageDepartment news notification, various application functions,Applicant list search, applicant group chat functionComment, photo upload function9. Department eventsAbility to select all departments and individual departmentsParents view posts - real-time linkageShare department events, embed photos/videosComment, photo upload function10. AlbumAbility to create and edit albums by departmentParents look up albums - real-time linkage11. Event CalendarBirthday notification by departmentDepartment/church event sharing, notificationShare calendar with parents - real-time linkage12. SearchSearch by category (all, teachers, ministers, students, church members)Calling, texting, chattingRegistered photo enlargement view function13. ChatMinisters, teachers, and parents without sharing contact informationChat anytime through the app1:1 chat, group chat functionKakao Channel : Newgen SearchWebsite: https://nownewgen.comDeveloper: VineOther inquiries or AS inquiriesPlease contact us at 010-2906-8788.